Community Advice Lisburn & Castlereagh is a registered charity offering free, confidential & impartial advice, ensuring everyone has access to high quality & professional advice & advocacy in relation to their rights, entitlements & responsibilities.
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We want to empower our clients with high quality & accurate advice so they can assert their rights with confidence.
When you call us, if the call isn't answered, please leave a message. All calls are returned but if you don't leave a message we can't call you back. You will receive a call back from either an adviser assistant who will take all the details and pass them on to an adviser or an adviser. We have a mix of staff answering calls.
For all forms of contact we will ask you for certain details:
None of these details are passed on to any 3rd party unless we are dealing with an issue that you have given your consent for us to use them. i.e. If you need us to ring a benefits agency on your behalf, then we must divulge certain details for them to be able to access your case.
You will then either receive advice immediately or an adviser will call you back and if you then need an appointment, this can be arranged. We can complete most of our appointments over the phone, including filling out forms as our advisers have devised great methods for doing this and can offer face-to-face appointments when required but our new way of working means we can deal with more clients, more efficiently.